A Few Things To Know About Commercial Carpet Installation


Having carpet installed in your commercial building takes careful thought so the patterns line up and the seams are in the ideal location. Your carpet installers put in a lot of planning before the actual work even begins so the job will go as smoothly and quickly as possible. Here are a few important things to know about commercial carpet installation.

Picking The Carpet

There are several options in commercial carpet and two of the most important things to consider are pile density and color. You want a color that hides dirt so the carpet always looks clean. It's also important to match the density of the pile to the expected amount of traffic. Denser pile has a higher traffic rating and this helps prevent matting. The carpet should also be treated so it resists stains and is fire resistant. You'll also want expert guidance for choosing areas where carpet is not appropriate so you don't end up with problems due to moisture or chemical exposure.

Planning The Seams

Carpet must be seamed together when it covers a large floor space and the seams must be planned. For one, they need to run along with the traffic pattern so people aren't constantly walking across the seams. This causes them to wear faster and eventually they could come apart. Another thing to consider is the light in the room. Buildings often have large windows that allow natural light to flood the floor. It's best to place seams in a darker area so the light doesn't illuminate them and make them noticeable.

Matching The Pattern

Keeping the pattern of a carpet consistent can be tricky. It may require stretching the carpet along the edges so the patterns line up properly when two sections are joined together. Planning the pattern matching takes some consideration in order to maintain the pattern while keeping waste at a minimum. Even if the carpet is a solid color, pile direction must be considered. The carpet has to be put down with the piles going in the same direction for a uniform appearance and to make seams invisible.

Using Carpet Tiles

Carpet tiles are becoming more popular for commercial use. If an area of the carpet is stained or damaged, a few tiles can be pulled up and replaced, which is much easier than cutting out and replacing a section of carpet. Carpet tiles are fairly easy to install since they usually come with a sticky back, which might work well enough to avoid the use of glue. The key is to start with a completely clean floor so the tiles can stick well. Your installer can create various patterns using different colors of carpet squares.

Commercial carpeting is very durable, so it should last for a long time if you take care of it properly. Be sure it is vacuumed daily if possible to remove grit. Also, have it professionally cleaned according to the schedule recommended by the manufacturer to ensure it stays clean and fresh for your customers.


12 August 2017

Finding The Right Flooring

Do you like your existing flooring? It isn't always easy to find floors that you love, which is why so many manufacturers create such an incredible variety of different products. However, if you know what you are looking for, choosing the right flooring doesn't have to feel like an impossible feat. I wanted to create a blog all about finding the right flooring to make things easier for homeowners across the world. Check out this blog to learn more about different products, manufacturers, installation methods, and styles. After all, you never know when you will need to find a new floor for your place.