How To Prepare Your Room For New Hardwood Floors


If you plan on upgrading to hardwood floors, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the time and labor it will take the installers to install your new floors.

Remove Your Old Floors

The first thing you need to do is remove your old carpet, before you put in hardware floors. You should vacuum the carpet, so you don't stir up a lot of dust. as you are taking the carpet out of your home.

When you work on removing the carpet, cut it down into small pieces that you can carry on your own. You may need to pull staples out of the subfloor. Either haul the old carpet to the dump, or arrange for a dumpster to take care of that task for you.

Take Off the Baseboards

When you install hardwood floors, you don't want to leave the baseboards in place. Your hardwood floors need to go under the baseboards. You are going to want to remove the baseboards, so you can put the hardwood floors flush with the wall.

If you don't like how your baseboards look, you can install new baseboards and really change up the feeling of your room.

Take Off Any Doors

You should take off any doors in the rooms where hardwood floors are being installed. This will make it easier for the installers to put the floors in place. When you remove the doors, store them away from the work area, and wrap each door up in a blanket, to ensure that the doors do not get scratched.

Remove Door Trim

You should also take the door trim off. That way, the hardwood floors can be installed under the door trim, as well. Additionally, the door trim usually extends down to the floor.

Get Rid of Dust

Finally, you are going to want to get rid of the dust in the workspace. Dust is one of the number one issues that hardware installers have to fight against, so make sure that you really clean the area up well.

When installing hardwood floors, it is smart to remove as many obstacles in your home before you begin, including the baseboards, doors, and trim. Take some time to remove the old floors, and repair the subfloor, before you clean up the place and get rid of the dust. This will make it easier for the hardwood flooring installation to be completed. 


29 January 2018

Finding The Right Flooring

Do you like your existing flooring? It isn't always easy to find floors that you love, which is why so many manufacturers create such an incredible variety of different products. However, if you know what you are looking for, choosing the right flooring doesn't have to feel like an impossible feat. I wanted to create a blog all about finding the right flooring to make things easier for homeowners across the world. Check out this blog to learn more about different products, manufacturers, installation methods, and styles. After all, you never know when you will need to find a new floor for your place.