Ronald Brooks

Luxury Vinyl Flooring Is An Ideal Choice For Your Kitchen Due To Its Beauty And Water Resistance


If you're renovating your kitchen, you're probably comparing types of flooring. You may know the look you want, such as wood planks or travertine tile, but a kitchen floor has other considerations since water damage is a potential threat. Luxury vinyl flooring could be a good choice. Here's why. Luxury Vinyl Tiles Are Softer Than Stone If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you probably want a fairly soft floor under your feet.

1 September 2020

About Getting An Epoxy Coating For A Garage Floor


Homeowners often use their garages for more than just parking vehicles, such as for storing power tools, food, and many other things. Due to how a garage is used, it is common for the floor to get dirty and develop cracks in the pavement. If you were fortunate enough to purchase a home that doesn't have a damaged garage floor, you might want to do something to protect the surface so it will remain in good shape.

18 August 2020

Why Have Carpeting Flooring Installation Done Professionally?


When you have carpets put into your home, you want them to be done professionally. The right carpets will look great and last for many years with few issues along the way. Professional carpet flooring installation is key to making your carpet investment worth it, and here are a few reasons why.  Your carpets will be stretched better Did you know that carpets that aren't installed correctly can cause you trouble, such as buckling, puckering, or doing other things that are unwanted?

10 August 2020

3 Reasons To Go With Engineered Hardwood Flooring


There are many reasons why homeowners are drawn to hardwood flooring. Hardwood offers beauty, and it also lasts for a long time with proper care. However, there are some downsides to hardwood. Hardwood can be challenging to install in some homes since subflooring is required. It also is not an excellent option for areas of the house where there is any moisture. One option that you should consider is engineered hardwood flooring.

17 July 2020

3 Ways to Prepare a Room for New Tile Floor Installation


Relying on a professional for tile flooring installation can be the best way to have tile installed and look its best, but it can also come with the cost being more expensive than you had anticipated if everything isn't prepared correctly. Instead of rushing into getting tile flooring installed, it makes sense to focus on what you can do to prepare the room so that the flooring to be installed quickly and correctly.

10 July 2020

3 Great Ways To Use Luxury Vinyl Flooring Products


If you love wood flooring but not the significant upkeep, you might be thinking about investing in luxury vinyl flooring products. Modern vinyl flooring is designed to mimic the color, texture, and installation of wood planks, offering much of the traditional character natural wood offers. However, vinyl flooring products are easy to install and last for much longer, without as much upkeep. Here are three great ways to use luxury vinyl flooring products.

25 June 2020

3 Ways Glass Shower Doors Make Bathrooms Feel Larger


Bathroom renovations can take your personal relaxation space from a drab, muggy room into a luxurious, accommodating masterpiece. Oftentimes, modern homeowners decide to replace old bathtubs and shower curtains with sleek glass shower doors. Here are three ways glass shower doors can make your bathroom feel larger than it really is. 1. Save Floorspace Forget about thick wall enclosures and bulky cabinetry. One of the best things about glass shower doors is the fact that it can create a thin, yet strong, barrier between your shower and the rest of your bathroom.

3 June 2020

Thinking About Marble Floors? 3 Things You Need To Know


Marble is known for its elegance and beauty. There are many ways to use marble throughout your home. Marble flooring works well in entryways, bathrooms, and kitchens. Marble tiles are available in various grain patterns, sizes, and colors. Many are surprised by how versatile marble floor tiles can be. If you are thinking about marble flooring, here are three things that you should know before starting the installation. There's A Lot Of Variety

7 May 2020

3 Ways to Make Your Laminate Floors More Water-Resistant


Laminate floors are a popular option for people who want hard flooring that looks amazing without breaking the budget. They're also a good fit for households with children and pets due to the ease of cleaning them. To help your laminate floors look their best for as long as possible, follow these tips to make them more water-resistant.  1. Use Water-Resistant Flooring Glue in the Joints of Your Floor One way to boost the water-resistance of your floors is to adhere them to your subflooring with water-resistant flooring glue.

6 March 2020

Considering Ceramic Tile Flooring? 3 Things To Know


If you are considering replacing flooring in your home, there are plenty of options when it comes to materials. Ceramic tile has long been a favorite for bathrooms and kitchens, but it also can work well in other areas of the home. Depending on where you live, ceramic tile can be an excellent option for living areas and bedrooms. It works exceptionally well in hotter climates. If you are considering ceramic tiles for your flooring, here are three things that you should know.

18 December 2019